Nangkring di sekolah,,, jam pertama yaaa ama laptop bersama kelas 10...secara ga ada guru,,,gurunya lagi trip ke Bali,,,owh 8 weeks to go then i will be home...i won’t back home,,, seriously im gonna move here, but the reason is with whom im gonna stay? What job im gonna get... what the crap I’m don’t have any clue,,, anyone help me please???
Emzzz soo, what we gonna talk about? i have no freaking idea too... one of my student got time out becuse... i have no idea... the relief teacher asked me to bring him to another class so i put him to another class so i put him like in Italian class with Amelia, i love her,, she is so pretty and nice...
Talk about iphone,, ooo what the crap, everyone has it,, i want it like so bad...but its freaking expensive.. tapi aku pengen banget dapet tu barangg hiks666...gmn ya crna???hemzzzzz tapi aku lagi nabung untuk ipod touch aku...i wanna get it...$236 harganya...waa sumpah nabung nabung simpan simpan dollar lah. Soalnya itu ipod yaaa ada internet nyaaa so handy banget deh makanya pengen banget punya,,,tapi ga maw minta duit ortu lah,, khan udah gede jadinya musti bli sendiri,,,he666 biar bangga orang tua sama saya,,,Ok ok ok so far i just wrote crap!!
22 Juli, 2010
What a crap blog,,,
poured by chrome rainbow at 20.36 0 comments
Labels: ooh geez
29 Juni, 2010
airport :)
So here I am at airport’s waiting room,,
Gees gw lupa ngambil duit gw yang tafdi di tuker 5 dolar see cuman males ke bawah lagi… ya udah lah mungkin emang ada tumbalnya gw pergi biar selamat ato gwnya yang ceroboh….ha666 at least gw ud maw jalan..
Anyway bukan itu aja,,, tadi ya kelebihan bagasi.. ihhh btx bangat dahhh bayar 180 ribu,,, ya ntr aku minta tolong aja ama lauren untuk upgrade bagasi,,, daripada daripada khan??? Ha666 blajar pengalaman taon lalu.,, gilingan gw bayar 138$ untuk klebihan bagasi,,, mampus gila gw.. untung bawa duit..ha666
Nahhh now I am sooo straving,,,aaaarrrrggghhh my money in pocket just 25.000 ok matilah gw…tapi wait wait,,,im gonna buy snack and eating like crazy when I arrive at perth,,,sooo im still alive then,,,
So today my dad said to me,,, every time I go overseas I sud have mission to do..so this time dad said my mission in how to get PR there but another choice is GreenCard,,, seems like my dad likes duddy,, well hell yeah,,, my duddy is awesome aye??? Adorable one and my another mission is to find donator to buy some stuff well actually I was thinking what if I give something to the disable kids a mini play ground…so yeah that’s all, I might write something later,,ha666
poured by chrome rainbow at 02.34 3 comments
Labels: ooh geez
25 Juni, 2010
He is my boy,,, ^_~
It has been long time I haven’t wrote any blog ya??? There are lots of things happen to me…
Well now im at Hotel, which has no hand soap at bath room,, dude come on,,,u pretty expensive hotel…do cant give hand soap??? Owh man,,,
Well here is the thing,,, sooo I just fall in love (not falling in love), cuz if I fall in love I just cant help… that what my friend said… I still don’t get it what it means but yeah whateva. So yeah that’s me,,, his name is,,,ok initial “BNH” I call him duddy,,, my hot boyfriend,,, dating? I don’t when we were start dating and are we officially couple?? I don’t know too I just know that is my HOT AND CUTE RICH AMERICAN BOYFRIEND and we are getting married… I don’t know who is he,,, I just know that he belongs to me and I love him the way he is… he is gorgeous and awesome… we awesome actually,,,
I really enjoy my time with him and I know it’s silly, I always waiting him to have a chat even just say hi… oo man he got me startruck and he distracts me from my work but I kinda like it and makes me want to finish my work as quick as I can be and focus to him,,, He cares of me… when I had problem with some people or even I got hurt he tried to make me feel better and it worked,,, guys there are some much thing I want to say about him but I just ran out of word to say,,, I just can say… I LOVE YOU MY DUDDY AND THANKS FOR BEING APART OF MY LIFE… I’m so glad I found you and loved be around you… you make my life just more fun and colorful and fabulous and fantastic and awesome,,, there’s 1 thing.. 2 do… 3 words… 4 youuu… I LOVE YOU,,,
Ps: thanks Jesus for sending me your angel to me… I hope he is the one,,,
poured by chrome rainbow at 02.13 0 comments
Labels: all you need is love
12 Februari, 2010
totally forgot!!!
"tadi tu udh inget maw nulis blog tapi lupa apa yang maw di tulis,,,araghhh"
atas perintah temen aku,,,tulis lah status ku yang sesungguhnya bertengegr di facebook aku... how stupid ya???love,
princess_erika xoxox
poured by chrome rainbow at 06.57 1 comments
Labels: ooh geez
03 Februari, 2010
Villains are Hot
Kadang tu yaaa gw suka bĂȘte klo orang2 baca buku Harry Potter, selalu ngejek-jelekin kubu Slytherin… nyadar ga see klo ga ad mereka tu cerita ga bakal jadi!!! Heran deh,,, (secara gw Slytherin Princess gituuu) jadi see mungkin cerita cinta menurut saya si SLYTHERIN PRINCESS…
1. Harry Potter and the Love Stone
2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Love
3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Love
4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Love
5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Love
6. Harry Potter and the Half-Love Prince
7. Harry Potter and the Love Hallow
So now we see evils are not always annoying. Now lets we talk about the top 5 cutest bad boy I mean who have bad boy look… they are villains in their movies except the boy in 4th position he is not that bad but pretty mean to me,,, he said im spoiled girl!!! I AM NOT… uuugggghhhh ok ok ok yes I am spoiled girl...
In 5th position we have Christopher Uckermann…
masi inget ga sama Santiago Delfaye yang anaknya spoiled abis deh di serial AMIGOS X SIEMPRE…bayangin aj masa makan siang neee di taman sekolah ada khusus mejanya dll untuk lunch set deh terus ada sign nya SD gituuu muke gile neee anak… terus punya selimut listrik yang ada penghangatnya, private helicopter, private car and the only one student who uses laptop in school… terus di band sekolah untu tuh yang jadi singernya pan Anna sama Pedro and the bassist is him, Santiago Delfaye… terus di serial Aventuras En El Tiempo dia sebagai Angel dan berperan sebagai Violeta (yang jadi Anna di serial Amogos ntu). FYI he’s name is Christopher Alexander LuĂs Casillas Von Uckermann, such a damn long name right?? But yeah he is cute…
In 4th position we have Tyler Jenkins
Well, he is the boy that I met in year 8 so it must be 8 years I guess in this June… so why do I put him as 4th cutest bad boy looking?? Cus he is such a silly boy and naughty…tapi nee anak klo gw suru2 maw aj… ampe manjat2 pohon tinggi tlus gw suru loncat maw juga di lakuin,,, qta lagi mabok berdua pulang dugem jem 3an lah, gw pura2 ngilang jiah nee anak manjat pohon bwt nyari gw,,,(kok manjat pohon? Iya biar bisa liat gw dimana!!!) terus di city malem2 nee jem 11an gw suruh dia pura2 jadi orang buta eh sumpah dilakuin dia nutup mata tangannya gw gandeng gw yang nuntun dia, silly thing lah pokoknya, terus dia ngijinin gw manjat ke kasurnya yang diatas sana, gw ga bisa manjat dengan senang hati dia ngedong gw bantuin manjat karna dia taw gw ga bisa turun well dia sengaja ninggalin gw diatas soooo naughty yaaaa gw loncat dr atas dia yang nangkep…even neee ya percaya ga percaya winter dengan 12 derajat gw suru nyebur ke pantai, yang dia lakukan adalah buka jaket dan bajunya dia masuk ke air udh agak ke tengah sepinggul, aernya dingin bgt kyk aer kulkas yg frozen gituuu gw aja ogah maenan aer,,, belum nyelam see I was really freaking out abis trus gw yang teriak manggil2 dia suru balik ke daratan dianya ga maw… sumpah pengen nangis gw, ngerasa udah kelewatan juga see. Tapi beneran deh dia nyelem terus keluar lagi… kasian banget then I peluk dia nee ceritanya aaaaa sumpah dingin abis euy,,, ha666 makanya gw jaga bgt sama nee cowok… klo ga ada sepi juga hidup gw,,, ha666…
In 3rd position we have Taylor Lautner
Wow for this cute boy… just don’t ask… he has sexy body and cute face I had my eyes on him since he play as shark boy in Shark Boy and Lava Girl Movie… owh cute, but I swear for my teddy bear I will not watch Twilight because –sorry- this movie so gay!!! And I was so surprising when I saw him again few months ago… so freaking hot…
In 2nd position we have Lucas Garbeel
Actually he is not bad boy in High School Musical but I guess he is the obsess boy because of his sister Sharpay Evans which is better than Gabriella Montez… duh ini anak pokoknya imut banget deh,,, suaranya keren pula coba deh denger lagunya dia yang di Disney Mania album vol.5 dia ngebawain lagu I can go the distance ost.nya Hercules sooooooo coooooollll. Nah di HSM 3 pan dia di percaya jadi koreografernya untuk pementasan akhir sekolah gituuu emzzz he is such a fantabulous choreographer. Oh iya sudah nonton film I kissed a vampire blum katanya dia see yang maen gituuu…ho666
And the winner is THOMAS ANDREW FELTON
Love at the first sight…owh geez he is so damn hot and cute… good looking and blonde hair…I have no idea why do people hate him?? He is so adorable oh come on!!! Sumpah ampe ga taw mu ngomong apa lagee neee too cute and hot to describe. Dia masuk sekolah khusus cowok ampe umur 13 tahun terus mulai awal karirnya dari 8 thaun klo ga salah... movie pertamanya Bugs-1995, The Borrowers-1997, Anna and the King-1999 terus maen di serial TV Second Sight 1 and 2 1999-2000 and the rest he plays as the cute villain DRACO MALFOY, tapi denger2 dia maen di X-man Last Stand… apa iya?? Taw deh pokoknya gw mu nonton x-men LS. Well disayangkan sekali dia ga jadi maen twilight sebagaiiii sapa ya? Lupa gw, some one beat him and Channing Tatum getooo…sedih bgt deh, sempet denegr rumor juga katanya Tom maen skuelnya Tom Ridder… apa iya??? Just lets see…
Then klo diliat2 hasilnya dari ke 5 cwok diatas 3 diantaranya blonde… so I’m a blonde lover!!!
poured by chrome rainbow at 04.24 1 comments
Labels: damn love this stuffs
07 Januari, 2010
what a shocking soda day
Well..hari ini kita ulas saja tentang tragedy rumah sakit-water bottle…sapa yang sakit?? Itu temen gw namanya Ranto pemiliknya Annabelle…
Jadi hari ini abis ngasi makan Annabelle beserta vitaminnya (finally gw taw caranya ngasi makan obat ke anjing) gw disms rengca,,
Rengca: aq tunggu di parkiran rsad yaa
Gw: ok…
Langsung setelah itu meluncurlah gw ke RS, pas dijalan dsms lagi klo si Rengca udh nyampe di RS…
Gw: taw kamarnya Ranto ga?
Rengca: tu loh paviliun anggrek nomer 8..
Gw: oh bagus deh kalo begitu,,,
Nyari pavilliunnya ketemu terus ada kamar yang ada tulisannya 8 dalam pikirian gw hooo ini kamarnya ranto pas gw buka… wait wait wait kok isinya ibu2 semua?? Rantonya mana????
Gw: misi bu, ini kamarnya…sebentar sebentar ya bu...
Gw langsung berpaling ke Rangca,,
Gw: eh Rengca kamarnya yang mana see??kok isinya ibu2?
Rengca: emang bukan…
Dalem hati gw, “eh sialan..salah kamar”. Gw balik lagi ke kamar tersebut…
Gw: maaf bu salah kamar...(sambil cengar-cengir bego, mampus gila nee gw)
Ya ibu-ibu itu cuman bengong liatin gw sambil bilang ,” oh ga papa dek!” geeezzzzz
Akhirnya nyampe dikamar Ranto, wodoh jadi inget di rawat inap dulu pas kena kistaaaa…lalu terjadilah obrolan yang bikin gw mikir ada apa dengan kedua teman saya ini..
Ranto: Rengga, lu ngekos ma gue aja lah…
Rengga: aduh, nanti aku disuruh masak terus, males aku..
Gw: eh rengca hati2 lo nanti ngekos ma Ranto, lo di sodomi loh!! (taw khan gawa gw ngomong kayk anak kecil yang super pintar??!!)
Rengga: OH ITU SIH GA MASALAH... yang masalah itu klo aku disuruh masaknya itu loh…
What? I was like super freezing ice block; I can’t breathe just looking at him like shocking soda pop!!! Ok what the hell is goin’ on?? Tapi rada binggung juga soalnya katany Rengca, Ranto ngajakin si Esa bwt ngekos bareng… my big question is, ” Ranto lo milih Rengca ato Esa??? Konsisten donk!!! Tapi nasib mbk widi gmn ya???”
Ranto: knp??
Gw: ranto waterbottle gw drs y??
Ranto: g ad tuhh..
Gw: ad dlemari gw yg taro.. lo sembunyiin dosa g sembuh2 lo haa...
Ranto: g adaaa.. klopun adaa tu jg dh jdi hak milik gw kale. Brng yang ketinggalan tdk dpt dtukar kmbalii.. ;P hhaaa
Gw: ranto jgn gt napa to..eh bnran donk to..pgn nangis gw..
Ranto: hhaaa cb nangis dluu cinii ;p
Gw: bntr gw kesitu gw nangis biar lo taw gw cinta mati ma botol gw.. (lebay bgt ya??)
Ranto: hhaa, akhh, jealous abiss gw ma botol lo..;p hhaa. Ywdh kesnii aj tp g ush pk nangis !! malu ad nykb gw…hha
Gw: makasi to..i love u bgt dah..
Ps: cepet sembuh ya toooo
poured by chrome rainbow at 05.11 8 comments
Labels: ooh geez
06 Januari, 2010
Annabelle in welcoming..
Today I picked Annabelle La Fusiana up at Ranto’s house,,, pagi2 nee si ranto telepon…
Btw si Ranto kagak setuju klo Annbelle di kasi La Fusiana (padahal lucu khan) secara anjing bru gw namanya Bella Ranika La Momo…
Trrrrzzzzzz hape berbunyi…
Gw: Oui, hello…
Ranto: err. Bisa ga lo %@^*@^#%#(%$%#&
Gw: apaa?? Gw kagak denger,,,
Ranto: gw @%!(*&W%(@#*W%&!(*&^
Gw: apa??? Coba ulang kagak denger gw to…
Ranto: alah udah gw sms aja..(kykna sudah emosi dy)
Gw: oke (nah klo girliran begitu gw ngerti)
Trus Ranto sms… intinya dia sakit tipus gituuu terus minta tolong jagain Annabelle dan setelah itung2an sama pa2…alhasil Annabelle berhasil gw bawa ke klinik… wooohooo everyone loves her so am i…TAPINYA…
1.Missy anjing kesayangan papa jealousnya minta ampun deh,,, si anna diajakain masuk kantor papa dengan suhu udara yang dingin…pertamanya see dia kagak maw…eh ketagihan cuman ruangannya papa jadi bau…bis dia kencing dan kabel2 di makanin ma Annabelle…nah loo..
2.Missy rada bĂȘte gara2 tahta dia direbut sama Annabelle.. heee beta indak taw yooo…
3.Sumpah beso my little evil sister come to clinic,,, so just let see who will win Annabelle or my little evil sister??? Slamat berjuang yaaaa
Oh iya tadi gw udah masukin lamaran ke kantor tumble tots…cross finger gw diterima…soalnya banyak anak2 kecil lucunyaaa…yang jelas pastinya GOD gonna give me the best lah,,,
i love puppies,,,
poured by chrome rainbow at 05.36 2 comments
Labels: annabelle
05 Januari, 2010
owh owh the beatles
4. percaya ga percaya... aku masih belum bedain yang mana ringgo yang mana george,,,ha666 fans apaan neee???? eh iya tuh kayak kasusnya tuesday and thursday yang mana selasa yang mana kamis aj gw kagak taw,,,sumpah deh,,,apa yang salah sama otak aku ya???aduh Om Ringgo and Om George maafkan saya yaaa...nanti saya akan coba mengingat kalian dengan baik...
ok sak gitu dulu deh,,, gtg neee ngambil ANNABELLE la FUSIANA...
poured by chrome rainbow at 20.28 8 comments
Labels: damn love this stuffs